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 • Company profile

Cheong San Chem Tech

 We are a sales agency of BlueMount Technology (Cheong San Chemical) Which is a major manufacturer of Antifoams & Defoamers in Korea and we are also a sales agency of KCC Silicone which is a conglomerate of Silicone & Chemicals in Korea.

 Our goods are Antifoams & Defoamers which are chemicals for water treatment that are used in polluted water system, waste water system or water processes in industries. And we sell Silicone compound and emulsions. We also provide various additives and functional materials to cosmetic manufacturer. And We sell various organic & inorganic compound.

Our goods

√ Chemicals for water treatment in industries

Silicone oil, Alcohol, Mineral oil, Ester based Antifoams & Defoamers and food additive antifoams.
• Water treatment chemicals such as Disinfectants, Polymeric flocculent, Coagulant, Polymer, Microbial agents and Deodorant
• Boiler compounds in food industries

√ Raw materials for Cosmetics & Hair care

• Silicone Oils, Gums, Elastomers, Emulsifers and Emulsions used in cosmetics, hair care & homecare industries.
• Basic Raw materials such as Fatty acids, Alcohols, Esters, Hydrocarbones and Polymers.
• Various Ingredients such as Moisturizers, Emulsifers, Carbomers, Herb and etc.

√ Industrial materials

Silicone emulsions and Wax emulsions.
• Additives such as Polymers, Fluorine compound, LAS powder, and etc.
• Various organic & inorganic compounds

Contact Us

MTechno 1222, 46, Gongdanro 140beongil, Gunpo-si. Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : (82)-31-470-2783 / Fax : (82)-31-470-2784 / E-mail : help@csctech.co.kr / Website : http://www.csctech.co.kr

주소: 경기도 군포시 공단로 140번길 46, 엠테크노 1222호 (주)청산켐텍, 전화번호: 031) 470-2783, 팩스번호: 031) 470-2784
사업자번호: 123-86-34786, 대표자: 김대희, 이메일: help@csctech.co.kr
Copyrights © 2012   CHEONG SAN CHEM TECH Co., Ltd. All right reserved.